Thursday morning. Trying to decide what to fix for breakfast (or by this time brunch, since it's around 10 am and all I've had is coffee.) Bbbrrring bbrringg, goes the phone and I decide to answer it instead of letting the machine get it cuz, well, ya just never know.
Older masculine voice on the other end asks, "Is this Sue O'Kieffe?"
"Yes," I reply somewhat warily. Didn't exactly sound like a telemarketer, because they usually bungle the pronunciation of my last name or ask for Mrs. O'Dell or something like that.
"Is this the same Sue O'Kieffe who has a picture of her Points of Light painting in today's newspaper?"
Well, by now I am really turning my attention in his direction. "Who is this?" I ask, because I want to know who my first inspired fan is. "You don't know me, but when I saw your painting I just had to call because I have this thing about dodecahedrons."
Turns out, unbeknownst to me, that the woman who organized one of the art shows I am in sent a press release to the local newspaper and used my image (because she had kindly printed a larger version of it for me on her wide format printer and still had the file on her hard drive) .
But what I really got was a very pleasant surprise, and a delightful conversation with a man eager to talk about geometry, Buckminster Fuller, geodesic domes, photography, and how we are all connected... just like how we are here on the world wide web. And which is exactly the theme of the mandala printed in the paper.
These are the moments that make doing art worthwhile, and what I dream of in my work: that they will touch the heart, tweek the imagination, inspire the spirit, soothe the mind.
The man on the phone told me he looked like Santa Claus. He has no idea what kind of gift he really brought!
Sue - that is really great! That is what I always see when I look at this mandala .. all of us connected together. I don't think as much about the geometry but about all of us being one web - meaning also pre-internet web.
This is one of my favorites because of the spiritual underpinnings I always project onto it ~ or that I notice in it.
I am so happy for you!!
~ Diane Clancy
What a delightful story!!! Got goose bumps all over.
This mandala is so beautiful, Sue. I know I keep saying that about all of them, but you keep surprising me. This one is like something ethereal, like it came from another world. It is truly beautiful and so delicate and finespun. I just don't know how you do it. That is your big secret!
"...and what I dream of in my work: that they will touch the heart, tweek the imagination, inspire the spirit, soothe the mind."
This is so beautifully said. I think it is something that rings true for many of us in so many ways. Celebrate this wonderful moment!
I see that I am on your list of artist's blogs you read and I'm not even an artist yet! I am honored! Thank you, Sue.
"These are the moments that make doing art worthwhile, and what I dream of in my work: that they will touch the heart, tweek the imagination, inspire the spirit, soothe the mind."
Yes, they definitely do, yes, yes, and yes - limitlessly.
This is the very first mandala I ever saw on your blog - and that first "Oh!" moment that hit me will always stay with me. It is a brilliant creation, so simple and so complex in its beauty. You really are an amazing artist. I also remember the post itself, and how touched I was by your frank and genuine voice. You've certainly kept up the promise of a wonderful artist blog.
If I don't make too much sense,it's because i'm sooo sleepy, but really wanted to say how much ilove your work...zzzz
haha, i just saw deb's comment: we picked up the same exact passage to respond to - great minds?
irene: the secret to mandala making is posted in my links. i have also written about it in the past, so it is not a secret. :)
i also met santa today...the circle is complete
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