Green Dreams - (Mandalas for Peace Project) - © Sue O'Kieffe 2009
Dreams in Focus - (Mandalas for Peace Project) - © Sue O'Kieffe 2009source image - rosemaryWhat distinguishes us one from another is our dreams . . . and what we do to make them come about ~ Joseph Epstein-------------------------------
I watched the movie
The Pursuit of Happyness the other night . (I'm catching up on all those great movies I've never seen before with the purchase of a new DVD player, but that's another story.) In that movie Will Smith's character pursued his dreams against unbelievable odds. I have been thinking about what it takes to make our dreams come true. Just how far would we go, would we risk, to make it happen?
When I was creating these mandalas I was unhappy with the initial results, so I removed a layer and softened another and created an image in a way I had never tried before. It was later in the evening and the soft dreamy quality appealed to me. When I woke in the morning I wondered what would happen if I gave it more definition. I liked the patterning, still soft yet glowy and filled with light, that I added back to the mandala. What was fascinating to me, during the time I was creating both of these images, was that I could swear I could smell the distinguishing aroma of rosemary in the room.
Rosemary can enhance memory, and it is also good for correcting apathy and mental fatigue. An exhilarating oil, it instills enthusiasm and bolsters self-confidence, restoring faith in our innate potential. As rosemary boosts the memory, it is a reminder of your true calling in life. ~ from Sanctuary Aromatherapy
Bringing dreams into focus is a process. The more we can define them with clarity, the more time we are willing to savor and then act, the more likely I believe we will be able to manifest our dreams.
I spent 2008 delving deeper into my art as well as going back to a 40 hour work week for the first time in five years. It was a strengthening year for me. In 2009 I want to work more towards getting my artistic dreams out in the world in a more concrete way. I will write more about that soon.
And stay tuned for post #250 too! It will involve winning a mandala created especially for you!