
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Inviting the Christ Light Mandala

Inviting the Christ Light Mandala © Sue O'Kieffe 2012
source images: hawthorn branches, rose quartz, yellow rose

Christmas Eve morning, before I woke, I had a dream, and I heard these words.

So many of you keep thorns around your heart, keeping Love out. My message to you is to do some pruning. Open up. Let the Love and Blessings of Christ Consciousness fill your heart.

And I saw what looked like a nest made of thorns. Luminous yellow petals floated into the center.

Petaled droplets of Love. Pure Love.

I heard myself ask what wants to come forth, as I witnessed the mandala being created in my dream state. Hawthorn and rose quartz showed up, as well as the number 8, and then I wakened to my day.

It just so happens I have a small hawthorn tree right outside my apartment. And I will tell you that the thorns on that tree are formidable. But hawthorn also contains chemical components that regulate arterial blood pressure, making it an excellent heart stimulant. This is a tree for the heart.

Rose quartz is a dear beloved friend to me by now, having offered many ways to open the heart in appreciation of all things. I love that she once again offered energetic support for this creation.

In my waking state I was faced with the decision of what else to use, and yellow rose, long regarded as a symbol of  Love, said Yes! to me as a representation of Christ Consciousness.

It came a flowret bright, amid the cold of winter, when half spent was the night.

So this is my gift for you on Christmas Day and for this Solar Return as well. 

Brightest of blessings,
Sue O'Kieffe
Sacred Circle Mandalas

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Flower of Now Mandala

Flower of Now © Sue O'Kieffe 2012
source images: cotoneaster berries and leaves, desert rose selenite

And now let us believe in the new year that is given us-- new, untouched, full of things that have never been Rainer Maria Rilke

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mt Shasta Messenger 12 12 12

Mt Shasta Messenger (Mandala Messages) © Sue O'Kieffe 2012
source images: Mt Shasta pine, clear quartz crystal, pink rhododendron

I began to feel that familiar stirring and knew it was time to be still and listen for what wanted to come through.

In meditation, with selenite crystal on one knee, danburite on the other, and black tourmaline on the chair cushion between my legs, I got quiet and went inside. Immediately, I saw the pines on Mt Shasta reaching up up up in my mind's eye. Not only did were they offering grounded support, but they also held the high vibrational energies of the mountain itself. Inquiring further, I asked if anyone else wanted to come forth. A clear quartz crystal that was one of my mother's stone friends, clearly showed itself to me, as well as a pale pink rhododendron now in bloom outside my door. I also heard the number eight.

I searched through my photographs for tree photos I captured on my last visit to Mt Shasta in 2010, and snapped up the crystal and rhodies while the sun was out.

I felt the quartz held messages from the other side and the rhodie was offering pink for Universal Love. Eight is the number of infinity, reminding us that we have available to us an endless supply of whatever we need.

It took a few days for the mandala to reach completion. This morning, on this most auspicious day, I sat down again with my crystal companions and asked for a message. What I heard was

We are here to celebrate all of humanity on this most joyous day.

Whatever this day holds for you, I hope you find time to do something that is meaningful for you.

Bright blessings,
Sue O'Kieffe
Sacred Circle Mandalas


Sunday, December 02, 2012

Fierce Transformation Mandala

Fierce Transformation Mandala (Mandala Messages) © Sue O'Kieffe 2012
source images: butterfly, red shouldered hawk feather, danburite crystal

I sat down, took a few deep breaths, and asked What most wants to come through right now? And then I waited.

Celestite rested on one knee; danburite rested on the other. And black tourmaline hung out on the chair cushion, between my legs. These are my crystal trinity. I waited some more.

And then  Butterfly floated into my vision.

What? Oh great, I muttered. Where am I gonna find butterflies? I mean, it’s winter here. And raining.
And then....

Oh wait. Yes. I did capture some photos of a butterfly a while back, didn’t I?

I felt something nod and smile at me.

And then Hawk swooped and soared. I heard Hawk's cry as he headed straight for my third eye. Yikes!

Could I use a feather for this? I wondered. Show me.

And a red shouldered hawk feather appeared in my inner eye. And I felt an incredible feeling of fierceness wanting to be expressed.

More deep breaths. More waiting. I’m starting to feel fidgety and impatient. My mind wants answers. NOW, darnit.

And then I saw soft, soft pink surrounding it all.

Rose quartz? I wondered.

No. Danburite. This friend in my hand had something she wanted  to share.

More listening.  And I’m feeling the danburite is sharing the energy of the Divine Feminine. This is a high vibrational love coming through. The message I’m getting is

Love, No Matter What.

So here we are at the beginning of December. Twenty some days before the world is supposed to come to an end.

I don't believe that for a moment. Do you? I think the world is about to begin, that we are transforming bravely with a great strength and fierce courage to a world where love is all there is. I'm not sure how easy this will be for many of us, but I do think it's worth it.

Love is our first priority.

This is the message that most wanted to come forth.

~Sue O'Kieffe
Sacred Circle Mandalas

I am so happy to be offering these mandala messages to share with all of you. If this message resonates for you, remember, that we are all one. Are you interested in commissioning me to create a mandala message based on this process for yourself? Please send me an email for further details. I am happy to ship your art anywhere in the world.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Bright Friday Mandala

Bright Friday Mandala © Sue O'Kieffe 2012
source images : sunflower, swan feather, local black river stone

This is the message I received from Spirit and my prayer for the days ahead:

May we become an embodiment of joy and abundant light, may we  open up and allow grace to flow through us. If we become frustrated, may we remember to ground and offer our negativity to the Earth.  She gratefully receives our anger and transmutes it to positive energy. And may we remember to offer Love and Light to those in need, including ourselves! May it be so. Amen

*Many thanks to Janice Masters of Everyday Joy for inspiring me with the title for this post and mandala. 

Tuesday, November 06, 2012


This is the really fun part for me (and I hope for you too!)

Open Heart Mandala

Yesterday I announced news on how to order my 2013 calendar Circles of Serendipity. Here is the rest of the news! This excites me so much that I will  have the honor of gifting one of you with a personal, intuitive mandala. Here's how:

Everyone who purchases a 2013 Circles of Serendipity calendar directly from me will be entered into a random drawing to receive a free 7.5"x 7.5" Intuitive Mandala. (For those who are interested, my normal fee for an intuitive mandala  is $75.)   

In meditation I ask what most wants to come forth and deliver the received message to you in mandala form. Open Heart Mandala  is one example of an intuitive mandala I created for my friend Ame. You can see others on my Facebook page. It would be an honor to create one of these mandalas especially for you (or you could easily gift the mandala as well). 

I will select the winner from the names of those who ordered one or more of my 2013 calendars on December 1st and email the winner that day.

Circles of Serendipity would make a wonderful gift for anyone on your holiday gifting list, and I know many who have made doing so an annual tradition.

Bright Blessings
Sue O'Kieffe
Sacred Circle Mandalas

Monday, November 05, 2012

2013 Circles of Serendipity Calendar Available Now

I'm happy to announce the release of Circles of Serendipity 2013 Mandala calendar.

The mandalas I created for this year's calendar  are a synergistic blending of crystal and flower, feather and stone, coming together to create new and unexpected patterns in a delightful and serendipitous way. Each mandala is imbued with the energies of different sacred geometric patterns based on the Flower of Life, which is said to be a template from which all life springs.

As I have for the past couple of years, I am  again offering you the opportunity to order calendars directly through me. Doing so will afford you a bit of a price break in shipping. In order to make sure you received your order in time for the holidays I will need to have payment via PayPal or money order by November 30th. Don't have a PayPal account? No worries! An account is easy to set up and only takes minutes. Ask me how.Ordering info:
U.S. Customers: 1-3 calendars are $24.95 each plus $5.90 shipping Priority Mail with delivery confirmation. More than 3 calendars ship $11.80 Priority Mail.(In comparison, ordering directly from the publisher would  cost you $8.99 in shipping for one calendar, $11.99 for 3 calendars, $14.99 for 5 calendars sent FEDEX ground). 5 calendars or more are eligible for a 20% quantity discount. California residents will be charged applicable sales tax. Once they are shipped you will receive your order in 3 to 4 days.

Canadian/Mexican customers
Each calendar is $24.95 USD plus $12.95 shipping Priority Mail. More than 3 calendars ship $32.95 Priority Mail. 5 calendars or more are eligible for a quantity discount.

Customers outside of North America
So that you can be sure to receive your calendar on time, I would recommend ordering directly from Lulu. com via the link above.

Local customers
I'd be happy to make arrangements to deliver directly to you.

Gifting someone? Want me to mail directly to your giftee? I can do that. Just send the necessary information in your email.

To order, please respond to this newsletter or email me at sue.okieffe at gmail dot com with the number of calendars you want to order, your payment method, and your email address, and I will send you an invoice. 

To preview the calendar,  click on this link

Click on the Preview link under the calendar cover image. You will need to manually advance each image by clicking on the forward arrow underneath the calendar image.

Rather just order yourself? Not a problem. has a 3-5 day printing turn around, and shipping ground FEDEX takes about a week. (Shipping US Mail will take longer and cannot be tracked.) Just go ahead and order when you are on the site.

These calendars are wonderful for holiday gift giving, and I know many people who make purchasing them a yearly tradition.


Bright blessings!
Sue O'Kieffe
Sacred Circle Mandalas

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Grounded in the Fruits of Your Labor

                                Grounded in the Fruits of Your Labor 
                                               (Circles of Intuition) 
                                                Sue O'Kieffe © 2012
source images: pine cone, auralite crystal, unknown berries

This morning in meditation I connected with one of my spirit guides and asked for specific information about what most wanted to come through for a new mandala and what was the message spirit wanted to share. My guide pointed me to some photos I had taken recently of a humongous pine cone and some unknown to me berries, as well as suggesting I use a photo of auralite crystal that had been calling to me for a while anyway. And then I heard Stay grounded in the fruits of your labor. Later these thoughts came trickling through: 

Don't give up on what it is you want to accomplish. You didn't get to where you are now overnight. Lasting change is a steady thing.  We love you.

That is the message Spirit brought forth for me as I was grumbling  about not enough time and too much to do. Too often I am thwarted by overwhelm. How about you?

I am grateful for the loving reminder from Spirit this morning as well as this earthy, light filled mandala that spilled forth from their guidance. May it speak to  your life as well.

Bright blessings,
Sue O'Kieffe
Sacred Circle Mandalas

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Art as a Community Event - Mystic Message Mandala

Mystic Message Mandala (Crystal Vibration series) © Sue O'Kieffe 2012

source image: Auralite crystal

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see ~ Edgar Degas

My focus and intent as an artist is to listen to the messages of  the natural world and to translate them into mandala form.

I have been finding it increasingly difficult to find the words for what comes through, and I'm not sure that it is even appropriate for me to do so.

Your translations are what matters.

Art is a community event. Spirit speaks through all of us.

And so I asked my Facebook community for their impressions.

Karen: I  automatically associate the color purple with peace and serenity, so I feel those upon gazing at this beautiful mandala. I also feel a sense of excitement for the future. It seems to me that there are six "faces" looking "inward."...Gazing upon the image, I'm drawn inward, yet leading outward, with a sense of positive anticipation

Tricia:I saw a 'counsel' too - thought of 'oh they're helping someone'

Linda: Buddha surrounded by guardians of peace. And the more I look at it the more vibration I am getting... Into the sacred light we go

Janice:  I see expansion within a 'safe field', a kind of 'holding' of the energy so that expansion occurs in a way that can be integrated

Lynne (who purchased this mandala and the auralite ):other than the beauty was the lion like faces then I saw " peacocks" (facing dead on ) forming a "ring of protection around the outside. Sue, I've just had one of those "angelic moments".... AJ filled my mind .... AJ is my soulmate and was my fiance when he passed a couple of years ago. So I was sitting there trying to work out what the connection was, I was drawn to the faces first and there was something but then I was drawn to the " peacocks" ..... There is a big connection between AJ and peacocks, there was the "connection "

All of these words fill me with such gratitude. 

I would love for you to continue in this spirit of community sharing if you feel moved to do so by leaving your comments and impressions below.

Many blessings,

Sue O'Kieffe
Sacred Circle Mandalas


Interested in purchasing my original digital mandala art inspired by nature and created through Spirit? Feel free to contact me via the email link in my side bar, visit my Etsy shop, or come join me on Facebook. I look forward to our conversation.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Opening to Infinite Joy Mandala

Opening to Infinite Joy (Crystal Vibrations series) © Sue O'Kieffe 2012
source image: agate

Lately,  have been focusing on what makes me happy and when I feel happy to say so outloud. Or write it down. Being critical, feeling critical, surrounding yourself with critical people saps the soul. Happy is intoxicating and liberating. I'm telling my cranky, bitchy, critical self that it is really ok to feel blissfully wonderful. I totally recommend this practice.

This mandala makes me happy. I love the joy that radiates from it and the piece of agate that I've known for over thirty years which provided the inspiration. I've always loved agates, since I was a little girl. I love the patterns in agates. What an amazing work of art nature provides for us.

I'd love to know what makes you happy. 

Monday, April 02, 2012

Compassionate Being Mandala

 If you view my blog posts via email, you will need to come to my blog in order to see this video.


It's been a while since I've offered a glimpse into my process. Enjoy!

~Sue O'Kieffe
Sacred Circle Mandalas

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Aham Brahmasmi Mandala

Aham Brahmasmi Mandala ( Crystal Vibration Circles) © Sue O'Kieffe 2012 

source image: red tip auralite crystal

Our true self is expressed in the ancient Sanskrit sutra
aham brahmasmi, which means "I am the universe." When we can accept that we are the universe, we can transcend any limiting belief and any emotional turbulence. ~Deepak Chopra

There is a whisper, but it’s louder than the wind.It calls to us, "Come Home. The story is over, the pages are worn thin. Come home."  It’s like a chant, a sacred OM underlying all else. 
...It requires no doing anything, or going anywhere or becoming anything.
If only we see that we are this whispering sound, all else will dissolve into peace.

-- Rafael Stoneman

Friday, January 27, 2012

Commissioned Mandala Art

Reciprocity Mandala (Commissioned Mandala Artwork) © Sue O'Kieffe 2012
source image: auralite crystal

Appreciation significantly turns on the heart. Appreciation is not an emotion that arises spontaneously, but a soul quality we can choose. The more often we choose to be appreciative, the easier this choice becomes and the more frequently our heart opens to give and receive love.  ~Unknown

One of my favorite things as an artist is to create commissioned mandalas. I will be delivering this mandala to my reiki teacher this afternoon. Her mandala was created from a photograph of her own auralite crystal. What a joy it was for me to soothe out the patterns that I felt speak most appropriately to her into this shimmering yet grounded image of harmony, balance and reciprocity, all characteristics of the number 6. I chose to create her mandala with a 6 pointed configuration because hexagons are prevalent within auralite crystal, and I wanted the mandala's energy to resonate closely with that of the crystal. When I emailed a preview of the mandala to my teacher, she responded with these words: Beautiful.Pearls, oyster shells, snakeskins, old, old Native American clothes from faded deerskin. A wonderful compilation of Nature.

I would love to create a mandala especially for you. Send me an email for more information!

~Sue O'Kieffe
Sacred Circle Mandalas