
Sunday, July 04, 2010

Susanne Fincher Mandala Books Give-Away

I have been blessed with a great opportunity to give away two books about mandala creation written by Susanne Fincher.  I was contacted by Susanne Fincher's publicist at Shambhala Press to conduct a giveaway of these two books. What an honor!

When I first began creating mandalas around 1995, Susanne Fincher's book Creating Mandalas was a bible for me. This book has now been revised and updated to create a section about mandala making in groups. I still refer to this book for Susanne's in depth information about color choices, numbers and symbols, even though my mandala making is primarily digital.

In her second book, The Mandala Workbook, Fincher arranges her chapters to correspond with the  ideas of Jungian therapist Joan Kellogg's ideas of the Archetypal Stages of the Great Mandala. Each of the twelve chapters contains a number of ideas for mandala creation relating to one of the twelve stages of life.

Many of these exercises are appropriate for those doing inner child work, and all of the suggested mandalas would be fun to explore creating in a group setting. Fincher also includes suggestions of yoga poses and sacred chants to use before creating mandalas.

I had hoped to create some mandalas presented in this book before I announced this fantastic giveaway, but I thought it was more important to get this giveaway announced first.


  • I will conduct this giveaway through July 10th and use  to select the winners of these two books.(One book will go to two different people.)
  • Leave a comment that you want to be included in a random drawing for this give away. Please only post your name once. Any other entries will be deleted.
  • Be sure to check the box to receive email regarding further comments on this post. I need to be able to contact the winner. If I am unable to reach the winner through a blog or email, I will have to choose another winner.
  • I'll choose two winners on July 11th and announce them as soon as they are both confirmed. 
If you've  been interested in creating mandalas, but weren't sure where to start, either of these books would be a great resource for you. I am so honored to have been selected to offer this giveaway here on my blog. Please be sure to spread the word about this giveaway on your blogs, Facebook, and Twitter. I'd love to have a great response.

Sue O'Kieffe
Sacred Circle Mandalas


hazel said...

OK ! Count me in, thank you...enter me for the random drawing, particularly for her first book... Hazel :0}

Kelly said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! Despite the fact that I have dozens of books on mandalas, I don't have either of these. Count me in, too! :-)

Lori Pilla said...

Hi Sue,
Creating Mandalas and seeing others ceations is the best. I'dlove to winone of Susannes books. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

awesome give away! i love mandalas!

Denyse Jones said...

Hi Sue! PLease add me to the drawing. Both of these books look beautiful.

Helen R Klebesadel said...

Please include me in the list of mandala lovers! I will help spread the word.

What is Wrong With Me 2 said...

Ooh! thanks for doing a give away! I would like to be included as well :) I did a speech on mandalas way back in college-- they are fascinating stuff! :)

Megan Warren said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win one of these books - I have the first book, but I'll have to keep an eye out for the workbook. I'll be sure to share on facebook.

Artist Victoria O'Neill said...

Hello there, I hope to win one of these...I am an artist and work with lots of different people, especially kids and love to use the mandala!

Anonymous said...

I just got that book from the library. I like it. I am a beginner and I need all the help I can get starting with this new media I am trying out. Thanks for doing a give a away contest.

KiP Walker said...

I would love to be included in you giveaway. I have created mandalas for many years, but am always interested in new approaches.

Aletta de Wal said...

Ever since I took a workshop on mandalas to examine diversity, I have loved them. You have revived my interest in making my own. Thanks Sue!

Walks with Wolves said...

I'd love to be entered into the contest please.

Ann ViveEros said...

I want to be included in a random drawing for this give away.

healingmagichands said...

Hi, Sue. I would love to be included in the drawing for the giveaway.

TLE said...

I'd love to be included in this drawing Sue!

Debbie Shirley said...

Wow - the books look fascinating..please enter me in your giveaway!!

Nidhi said...

Me too, I also want to be included :)

anat goldich said...

great give away. please i would like to be included in this give away.

Imelda Hinojosa said...

I would love to learn more about these amazing Mandalas. Please enter me in the drawing. THANKS!

Unknown said...

How interesting! I am a visual artist, but have never created a mandala before. It would make interesting reading!

Julie D'Arcy

Unknown said...

Harley asked to be included in this giveaway.

FiveAcres said...

I would love to win this giveaway.

windycindy said...

Please enter my name in your random drawing for one of your wonderful books. This would be a great study at the Mother/Daughter Retreat that I attend every fall.
Many thanks, Cindi

Marilyn & Jeff said...

Please include me in your draw for one of these fantastic books. Cheers, Marilyn.

Lois Heinani Stokes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
emiliehamilton said...

Please count me in - I would LOVE to win the books - am hoping to share the love of mandalas with my 7 year old granddaughter who loves drawing and coloring. Thank you.
Blessings, Em Hamilton

Anonymous said...

Count me in too...I love doodles, geometrics and mandalas. Thanks for the chance to win.

wilcoxdesigns said...

Please count me in. I love to draw mandalas, but haven't seen these books.

Darnita said...

Ooh! I'd like to be added to the drawing. Winning a book would be great.

CJ said...

I do mandala art with my clients at work as an Expressive ARts Therapist and either of these books would expand the possible ways for using this art form with them for healing!
Thanks for the chance.
I'm at
celebrate2spirit at charter dot net

Joan said...

I would like to be included in the random drawing contest for the mandala books. Mandalas look like a good way to find an artistic outlet!

jamila said...

wow...this is amazing. I was just looking a mandalas today and trying to figure out where I would begin to make them. I would love to enter your giveaway.

Lin said...

I would love to have either of these books, Sue!

Cathy said...

I love mandala art work. When I have a headache, looking at them makes me relax. I've been doodling mandalas for some time now.

Thalia said...

Do please sign me up for the giveaway, Sue. Those books sound wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I saw a woman drawing a mandala on a plane recently and I was fascinated. I'd like to be included! Thanks for the giveaway

Ildiko said...

thank you for this great giveaway!!!please throw my name in the hat!

Cynthia said...

Please include me in your giveaway. I love Mandalas!

ambersgold said...

Count me in! I love zentangle and have wanted to learn how to create a mandala!!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in too~! I love mandalas.


Elizabeth Peregrina said...

Count me in! I love to doodle mandalas!!

Unknown said...

I am also signing up for my friend Michelle White

craftydr said...

Hi Sue, I would love to be included in this giveaway. I do zendalas and love to do them. I am hoping to do some also digitaly but so far haven't been able to do them by hand.

Unknown said...

Dorothy, if you are interested in creating digital mandalas, be sure to check out the tutorial I have created. The link to the free download is posted in the sidebar to the right.

Sherita said...

I can think of no better gift for my anniversary (today) than to win one of these books! Thanks for the giveaway!

Alexis said...

I've just discovered mandalas - so I would love to be considered for this give-away.
Thank you

Indira said...

Please include me in the giveaway

Heather Minowa said...

Yes! please count me in on this amazing drawing! thank you

Jody said...

I would be very honored to have a copy of the "Sacred Circle Mandalas: by Susanne Fincher.
Thank you for the chance to win.

Diane Clancy said...

Hi Sue - this is a fantastic opportunity!! Please count me in!

Thank you!
~ Diane Clancy

Unknown said...

I've always loved mandalas and have just begun to explore creating my own. Would love to be included! Carol

Unknown said...

Would love to be included. Thanks, Susanne.

Deborah Lee

Unknown said...

Thanks for allowing me to participate the drawing (giveaway)! I would love to read your awesome book in learning more about how to draw mandalas. Thanks for giving me a chance to win this wonderful book! :-)

Unknown said...

Gabrielle asked to have her name included in the giveaway

kitty said...

Oooo I would love to win one of these books! Doodling and mandala's are new to me, but soooorelaxing....

Kathryn Costa said...

I would love to win one of these books. I'm doing a study of mandalas to post on my True North Arts blog in September. What an honor to be sought out to post this offer on your blog. Thank you!

My fingers are crossed.

Sue Seibert said...

I would love, love, love to win one of these books!! Wow!

Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith said...

I don't have either of those! Count me in.

Author: Kerry Cutler said...

Please include me in this giveaway. What wonderful books. Thanks!

Cristina Eury said...

I would love to have either one of these books!

Julia Jones said...

Beautiful! I'd be honored to add this to my art books. Peace<3

Anonymous said...

I have been wanting to learn more about Mandalas for a long time!

Unknown said...

to my last anonymous poster: i need to have some idea who you are in case your name is chosen

jinxxxygirl said...

Please include me in the giveaway. This is so great! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Congratulations to the last person who posted as Anonymous won one of the books. I need for you to contact me by the evening of 7/12, or I will have to choose another winner. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Ann, if you have subscribed to the comments on this post, please contact me since you are the new winner of Creating Mandalas book. I need a response by the evening of 7/13. Congratulations!