source image: thunderhead clouds

I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It's cloud illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all
~Joni Mitchell
Breaking out of a comfort zone is a pretty good thing, even if it's hard at first dealing with resistance. Up until the past few days I have had some firmly entrenched creative rules which I stubbornly refused to break. Silly Sue. Thank goodness my sense of wonder is stronger than all my shalt nots.
There were some stunning thunderhead clouds in the sky over the weekend. I pulled over and took a few pictures. Yesterday when I was editing them, my creative voice said Do it!
How nice to know that voice is growing stronger than the voice of my ego.
The finished mandala reminds me of a cyanotype, an old fashioned printing process which you can read more about here if you are interested.
Do you have rules that beg to be broken?
(Mandala prices include shipping and handling)
I love the smiling face you found in the thunderclouds. I have plenty of rules begging to be broken right now, most of them have to do with how many calories I wish to consume each day in order to slowly fade away to a weight that more closely approximates the amount my knees and hips really wish to carry into my old age.
This sort of creeps me out, Sue! Yesterday I posted on my blog with a pic of clouds and that same song by Joni Mitchell. Crazy stuff! Love the mandala. Peace!
I've just hit a spot where I'm (once again) running into rules I didn't even know I had. Amazing.
This is absolutely lovely. Glad you listened to your new stronger voice. Clouds deserve a place in your mystery series 'cause they are always full of wonder for me. And this has such soft energy...but its very present, and in its presence is power. Nice.
This is amazing Sue! I've never dabbled in Mandalas...never even heard of them! Wow!
there is a calmness lately in your work - staid and clear - great stuff.ing
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