source image - coleus
To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. ~ Henri Bergson
I created this mandala for my 58th birthday,

Coleus is one of those plants I have loved since forever, and I am especially attracted to the bright pink throat contrasted against the dark burgundy leaf on this variety.
This is how the mandala speaks to me: Green center for growth, eight hearts in the middle for love, eight owls nestled in eight yonis representing goddess wisdom. Eight is a number of rebirth; on its side eight is the infinity symbol. As the eight spoked wheel, eight is seen as a symbol of endless change. Change is not one of those easy things, as neural pathways are rewired and the ego protests.
But change is good. I love what Pamir Kiciman tweeted on Twitter: Cooperate with what wants to emerge.