source image: beach rock face
I become a waterwheel, turning and tasting you, as long as water moves ~ Rumi
I took the day off from posting anything for AEDM, opting instead to give my eyes periodic breaks from the computer. This has been a busy couple of months for me pursuing my dreams one step at a time. Participating in AEDM this year has once again introduced me to an extraordinary community of artists. Having the opportunity to go around and visit their blogs and Facebook pages has been extraordinarily renewing for me, and receiving new visitors here has been refreshing and helped relieve the periodic bouts of isolation that sometimes bother me about solitary creating. I would say that most parts of my life feel pretty good right now except for that derned isolation. I want to make community and relationship building more of a priority in 2010. To those of you new to my art, thanks so much for stopping by.

I took this photograph a month ago on a sunny day at the beach. It is the face of a rock formation common on our shores. I love all the texture. Isn't it amazing what water can do to rock over time?
If I gaze at this mandala long enough, it almost seems to be spinning through space and time, and I am reminded of how ancient rock is. Wouldn't it be fun to hear the stories it might share with us?
Spirit guided me to use the thirteen point formation for this mandala. Thirteen is a number unto itself that reminds us of what is ending and what is opening into the new picture. Do you have old business to finish before you can begin anything new? For myself, I have limiting patterns of thinking and being;I am envisioning an abundant, prosperous, loving life.
Now might be a good time to consider what to release from your thought patterns as we approach the beginning of another year.
Be blessed, everyone!
~Sue O'Kieffe
Sacred Circle Mandalas
(Mandala prices include shipping and handling)
it is a stunning pattern ...i had to put my glasses on ~blessings on day 21
The Rumi quote is so perfect to accompany this mandala. It is gorgeous... love the energy underneath your art in your words.
Here's to a prosperous, love-and-art filled 2010.
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