Flicker Medicine Mandala (Mandalas for Peace Project) © Sue O'Kieffe 2009source image: flicker feather
I enjoy making feather mandalas. When I chose

this flicker feather for the source image, I knew it was powerful medicine; intuitively I wanted to use the master number 11 for the number of rays making up the mandala. According to Native tradition, flicker medicine
can teach you about communicating, music, joy, nurturing, courage, protection, tenacity, and your connection with the universe. ( wolfcreekarts.com). Just as birds are often considered to be messengers, the meaning of the master number 11 is also
Spiritual Messenger. In the ideal, the master number 11 is on a journey to find its own truth (illumination), using spiritual inspirations as a guiding light, and then bringing these illuminations to others to help raise spiritual awareness on the planet(magellannumerology.com)
I had to laugh at myself when I spelled the file for the feather as
flickr. How easily the net has changed our thinking and our spelling. I wonder what the English language will be like in another 50 years?
~Sue O'Kieffe
Sacred Circle Mandalas
This mandala is beautiful. My birthdate is 11, so it's especially interesting. And I just had an "aha moment" when I saw the feather. I found one when I was young and treasured it. (Probably still have it somewhere.) But I never knew what kind of bird had left it for me to find. Now I do! Thank you!
Very beautiful, Sue. Peaceful and serene!
My birthday is also on the 11th and I have always loved flickers. One year a pair nested in the dead tree on our place and we watched the babies fledge, there were three of them. They hunt for ants in the rotting stumps in the yard. I think it is interesting that you are linking the master number 11 and flicker medicine, with the quotation about communication, music, nurturing speaking to this gemini massage therapist ex-professional musician. Perhaps I should spend a little more time studying the flickers.
Be that as it may, this mandala is beautiful, with its glowing orange and red heart surrounded by the ethereal rays of the feather structure.
Once again I bless the internet with its ability to connect me with people and information that foster my spiritual groth.
Very beautiful, went birding this past weekend...my oldest son said I looked so happy walking in the marsh...my best.
This is really nice, a great nature mandala!
Gabi from Japan
You put a lot of thought and research into your mandala making. I wonder too if texting and instant messaging will change our language.
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