© Sue O'Kieffe 2007
I spent most of last week in a card making frenzy. It's part of why I haven't been commenting much on other blogs. Im sure some of you must know how that is.
I spent a lot of time thinking about what the holidays mean, not wanting to focus on any one particular tradition but wanting to capture the essence of the season. I polled people on my other blog and wrote to the only two non-European women (Neda and Rima) I know for their take on the winter holidays; what I heard mentioned over and over were the themes of love, family, light, and closeness
I am happy, though, with the six cards I have created. I am still evaluating my finished product and hope to take them to the major retail gift shop soon that I have been drooling to have my work in for the last year.
If you want to see the other five cards you can see them on my other blog here (they are also linked to the right under My Greeting Cards.
I would love to read your comments. Your feedback and encouragement means alot to me.
So appropriate and beautiful! I love the card I bought for my dh, "Love is The Beauty Of The Soul" and will give it to him for our anniversary on Feb. 5th.
Lovely set..It is so hard to choose!
I just checked out all of your new cards. Wonderful. wonderful. Wonderful. As always.
I just published a new mandala that I dedicated to you and your beautiful mandalas.
Hi Sue, this is so wonderful that you are taking all these steps that you have been wanting to take!!
I just went and looked - they are all very beautiful - and such thoughtful comments with them!
~ Diane Clancy
I love and adore your cards and wish I could buy all of them and send them to all the people I love. They are truly beautiful.
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