Well, they safe life is what happens when you are busy making other plans. Photoshop Sunday is being postponed to another date TBA while I spend time at a friend's enjoying a hot tub, fall garden and two sweet kitties.
In the meantime, I thought I would offer this mandala for those out there I know are experiencing their own health concerns. This image, created from an agate scan, is full of grounding energy and radiant light.
Do enjoy yourself, one should take time for friends and family. There are many who need this Radiant Health Mandala today.
You feel the energy radiating off this one. It has the same white light as my Bright Light Energy Lamp. This is definitely a mandala for those dark winter days when the sun is getting up so late.
Wow, this one just glows. Not only radiating health, but everything else wonderful. Very beautiful.
This is so beautiful! It makes me feel peaceful just looking at it. xoxo Nita
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